Office Hours
Office Hours Calendar
Times and locations are always subject to change, so make sure to check the
listserv and the class calendar before you go.
Office Hours Guidelines
- TAs will NOT fix your code. That’s your job. TAs’ job is to point you
in the right direction.
- BEFORE asking for help:
- Re-read the homework instructions carefully
- Draw diagrams to understand the overall architecture
- Insert print statements into various places to debug your code
- Run your code with valgrind
valgrind --leak-check=yes ./myexecutable
- Search through past listserv postings
- Read man pages for the functions and commands that you’re using
- When asking for help, make your questions as specific as possible.
- Please be respectful toward TAs and other students, especially right before
a deadline or exam. Everyone is just as busy as you are.