Lab 0 (50 points)
Due Sep 8 Thursday, 11:59pm
Subscribe to the cs3157 listserv (see link for directions).
Please do so by Sep 6 Tuesday, 11:59pm (first day of classes) or as soon as
possible; important announcements will be made through listserv.
Read the following two documents:
Send me (John, not the listserv) an email containing:
- Subject: “[3157] hw0-UNI”
- Without quotes, single space before “hw0”, “UNI” replaced with your
actual UNI in lower case.
- Your name, major, school program, and class year
- e.g., John Hui, Music + Computer Science,
Columbia College, class of 2018
- Your pledge
(see honesty policies,
from above)
- CS classes taken and/or other programming background
- Optional: anything else you want to let me know about yourself
- Optional: attach a picture of you, but please reduce image file size to
about 100KB
Get the textbooks, and start reading K&R chapters 1, 2, 3, 4