TA Notes
Recitation Notes
Full repo here
- Recitation Note A: Introduction to UNIX, compile your first C
- Recitation Note B: Makefiles.
- Recitation Note C: Configuring and using Git for version control and file tracking.
- Recitation Note D: C Basics: data types, bitwise, complex expressions and statements.
- Recitation Note E: Parts of memory, pointers, and arrays.
(i.e. malloc).
- See also the very useful code directory,
and its output pointerfun-output
for some
interesting experiments with pointers and memory addresses.
- Recitation Note F: Function pointers.
- Recitation Note G: Structs, Unions, Const, C strings.
- Recitation Note H: Linked lists and similar data structures (REMOVED).
- Recitation Note I Using GDB and valgrind for debugging.
- Recitation Note J: The UNIX stack. Users, permissions, file
attributes. Processes, forking, and signals.
- See also
, the Jae shell, in the code
directory for a fun example of forking.
- Recitation Note K:
. File IO, including reading, writing,
and seeking in files.
- Recitation Note L: Interprocess communication: pipes, FIFO, and sockets. TCP/IP stack information and netcat basics.
- Recitation Note M: C++ intro. Classes and structs. Stack vs heap allocation
in C++. The basic 4. Implicit conversion and operator overloading.
- Recitation Note N: C++ generics, templates,
containers, metaprogramming.
- Recitation Note O: Smart pointer explanation.
- Recitation Note Z: Bonus recitation – Unix 2.